TRUTH of LIFE Ministries brings Jesus’ freedom to men by applying biblical truth to theunhealthy ways men live life.
- TRUTH of LIFE Ministries is primarily working to clean the body of Christ and free it from captivity so it works properly and can grow in love, but as a natural consequence this principle will also translate into the healthiness of the corporation.
- The Lord will bless both the business owners (stewards), for partnering with the Holy Spirit to set his people free, and the men, for being good stewards of their souls by partnering with the Holy Spirit to work for their freedom. Productivity and Creativity will be restored as a natural consequence of seeking the Kingdom of God first.
- Jesus’ freedom is complete and comes to stay forever.
- This freedom is achieved through listening prayer in which Jesus himself, through the Holy Spirit, speaks to each man leading him to biblical truth and replacing lies that hold him captive.
- Freedom is also achieved by replacing the darkness of evil with the light of Jesus -- bringing things from the hidden to the private, which is confession.
- Men need this freedom because they live in captivity as a result of their sin and the sin of others around them.