Eight to twelve 2 hour sessions on the weekly basis (depending on each man’s / couple’s needs).
— Sessions are held at the office behind closed doors (outside accommodations possible).
— Sessions can be held via videoconference for men / couples in remote locations.
— The person shares his specific needs, wants, or hurts.
— Engage together in the listening prayer process, seeking God’s direction, truth, and light related to the person’s needs, wants, or hurts.
— When a root is identified, the person receives biblical truth, replacing lies and receiving light in areas of darkness.
— The person asks God to speak to him/her regarding his/her previous state and his/her new state in relation to the uprooted matter.
— The person experiences transformation by the renewing of his/her mind. Each session completes a transformation process.
— Additional weekly sessions to be held depending on the man’s / couple’s needs.